11 January, 2009

A Winter Day

Today I have decided to add a short little fiction created by myself. Feeedback is very much appreciated:

He had been all excited about the weatherman's call for snow. He'd even stayed up late playing through that tough boss on his virtual game with anticipation of a late morning. But as morning came, he continued to wake up through the black morning hours with no reply from his companies message service. As the dawn finally faded the darkness, he could finally see that no snow had fallen. Distraught for his lost hours of leisure time, he finally pulled himself out of bed and into his work uniform.

Outside was miserable. Nothing but ice cold rain and gray heavy skies. He trudged over to his auto, pulled his jacket close to him, opened the door and sighed. "80% chance my ass," he adjusted himself into his seat and turned the machine on, "I'm going to need a lot of caffeine to get myself through this day." He made his way through traffic at a painfully slow rate, grumbling softly at the fear of some drivers under the sound of the latest music from the colonies. The rain had stopped by the time he reached the office parking lot and it left the world in a cold gloom as he entered his office.

He greeted the reception as warmly as he could and received the same reply. This mutual feeling of unhappiness gave him a brighter mood but did nothing to curb his fatigue. "Coffee," he slowly poured the brown liquid into his cup, took a heavy sniff of the aroma and took it back to his desk to engage his machinery. Looking out the window across from his cubicle his mind began to wonder.

How many days of his life were so cold and gloomy? Had there been days like this before the Interstellar Charters? What about the Economic Conflicts? Perhaps someone, hundreds of years before 3010 had been through similar experiences and dealt with the vain promise of a leisure day in the snow. What would it have been like then? That's something you never learned in the history books.

He shrugged off the daydreams and began to concentrate on his work. Waste recycling units weren't going to sell themselves afterall.

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