16 January, 2009

The Savage She-Hulk

I've almost finished the original Savage She-Hulk series and I've got to say, for it being an eighties comic, it still has a very 50's style flair. It's a great laugh but the narrative dialog does get a bit tedious at times. You start to feel dumber because their explaining everything in the panels that you can clearly see happening (I can see She-Hulk picked the guy up...you don't need to tell me that). I'm also having trouble with some of the enemies they've picked her to fight. Her arch-nemesis is a crook named Trask...okay I can handle that...but you're going to have her fight the Man-Elephant and the Grappler in between major storyline arcs...hmmmm.

However, even with all these bad qualities, I do have to give this a very big nod. She-Hulk is not really that gorgeous and is very assertive. Not in a sexual way though, she's more of a complete brute and very much more masculine than many female comic book characters. I can appreciate that since I feel comic books like to categorize women into 2 types: sexy femme fatals and sexy good girls...not much else to them. I enjoy when comics go out of this mold to try something different. Brian K. Vaughn does a lot of this in his work. There are others that do but a majority don't.

To tell you the truth, I've always had a fascination with the She-Hulk. She's taller, stronger, and tougher than most men but that doesn't bother her. She's also highly intelligent and not afraid to speak her mind. She's one of my female heroes along with Chun-Li and Gran'ma Ben (Rose Harvestar) which both are strong, independent women that don't fit with the 2 stereotypes above.

That being said, I'm really enjoying this series and can't wait to delve into the Sensational She-Hulk comics before ultimately finishing with the newer ones that are still in print. What a great female character. Though I do warn you about the quality of this comic, I urge you all to read a comic that deserves more merit than it's given.

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