05 January, 2009

The massacre of China

So I would like to point out the continent of Asia has been brutally murdered by awful musicians, rich white spiritualists, and others of an ignorant nature. This all stemmed because I was watching the 3rd Mummy movie (something about an Emperor's tomb was the title...I don't really care to look it up) and it absolutely destroyed China with Ninjas (they are Japanese), Yeti that play American Football, and Yaks that look more like big cows than, well, yaks.

I can't believe I sat through this movie! Just the fact that they decided to try and make this historical by adding the Terracotta soldiers as magical beings made me a little angry (more or less because it was added to make it look more legitimate which the movie in its entirety, was not at all). That and the constant crossing of Chinese to English and back again. I'm sorry, but I don't think ancient Chinese sounds exactly like its modern counterpart or that an isolated ancient Chinese woman can speak English perfectly. That and the young female character knows how to speak Yeti-ish (wtf?).

It also takes a well documented historical figure and completely changes who he was. It is true that Qin Shi Huangdi was a brutal ruler but he did unify and create autonomy in the Chinese once warring states. He also built the wall to keep invaders out and again to unify China. This movie makes him seem completely tyrannical with no motive but to have sex with women.

Anyways, it probably happened with the first Mummy movie, but again I don't know anything about Africa so I can't judge. However, after studying a good portion of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese histories I can safely assume that this was awfully mistranslated and massacred the poor culture to death. Thank you summer blockbuster.

1 comment:

  1. And that, my dear sister, is why ignorance is bliss. Because stupid people don't know any better but to laugh and accept it.
