15 January, 2009

Going Green

So I got this interest a few weeks back in the idea of converting my car from gasoline to vegetable oil. Don't laugh. I think it's an awesome idea and fuel would be (get this) FREE! What's not to like about that? Apart from the car smelling like Chinese food or French Fries (which is way better than Gasoline) I can't think of any down sides to it. My sihaya was skeptical and a little surprised since I'm not really the type to be all environmental and what not. I was asked why this change and whether or not I was becoming an environmentalist over this so this got me to thinking...why would I want to do this. Here's a few reasons why I think I find this so appealing starting from the least important to the most important:

5) I hate the smell of gasoline. It makes me nauseous. The smell of chinese food...does not. And it also doesn't slowly kill me (at long as I don't eat it).

4) It's an eco-friendly way to recycle...which makes me look good and feel like I'm doing something for the environment.

3) It's cheaper and I always love a good deal. I'd only have to pay for the parts to install and maintenance, then I won't have to worry about buying gas ever again.

2) I can have a vintage (well, at least older) car and not have to worry about it killing me with maintenance and toxic fumes.

1) I'd be independent from mechanics. I think this is overall the most important reason to do this. You have to build your own engine out of the parts that are given to you. For this reason, you know what's there and what it's function is. I think this is very important since it's so easy to be swindled if you don't. I mean, there are so many ways a mechanic can get one by on you. If you know how to fix your engine, you won't have to have a third party telling you what it needs. You can do it yourself.

So there are my reasons. I think we all should start a revolution and start getting our gas at the restaurant down the street instead of the big oil tycoons in their multi-million dollar homes.

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