15 December, 2008


You remind me of the babe.
What babe?
The babe of the power.
What power?
The power of Voodoo.
Who do?
You do.
Do what?
You remind me of the babe.

Believe it or not, I typed that all from memory. That is one of the biggest things I got from this movie as a child. That and those monsters that popped their heads off and danced around.

As a child I found this movie enchanting. Movies like this kept me entertained and opened up a unique fantasy world to my child's eye. I think this movie is one of the reasons I have such a deep love for puppets and a deep appreciation for movies that incorporate them such as Hellboy II (though I admit the story for that wasn't the greatest).

Watching it again as an young adult has made me realize that it was completely made for children. The plot was silly, the puppets imaginative, and the dangers a little weird (the
Bog of Eternal Stench? Really?). I still loved in none the less and can't say much wrong about it. It's a stark contrast from that of the unimaginative Willow, which were actually both produced by George Lucas. Though I do realize they had Jim Henson on their side for this one, which kind of makes it hard to compare, it is a much more imaginative (I keep using this word, I realize that) thought out world with a storyline focused on children and families. Where as Willow was trying to water down the generic fantasy world for younger audiences, Labyrinth created a new fantasy world made for them and it made all the difference.

Another thing this had going for it was a plot with less holes in it. This was mainly achieved by an age old method called K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid). It was kept much simpler with a very straightforward plot which made it less plausible for holes.

On a whole, I think my assumptions of it as a child were quite on. However, being older I did feel it kind of had a psychedelic aspect to it, especially with David Bowie in there. I guess he was getting younger generations ready to adore him long after his glam rock years had ended. I have to say, it worked on me.

1 comment:

  1. I still love this movie, I don't care what people say. BTW I am sorry I will start blogging again.
