08 June, 2009

Pescatarianism: Week 4

This week began and ended in misery. I was sick, sick, sick! Disgusting. Therefore, I was cranky and tired and all I wanted was chicken. So I ate it and I loved it and I think that being a pescatarian is not for me. I spent alot of time eating faster foods this week since I couldn't prepare anything substantial which left me eating veggie pizza (again) and tuna fish. I have to say that I'm so sick of tuna fish sandwiches I don't think I'll be able to eat it again for a long long time.

Vegetarian foods don't come cheap (as I've stated in my other post) especially if you want it convenient. Now I'm not poor but I am frugal and I find it riduculous that Imitation chicken nuggets cost more than real chicken nuggets. Not to mention they probably have more real food product in them than the imitation ones do (how else do they get them to taste like chicken?). I'm beginning to feel pretentious with all the money I'm wasting.

I also think I'm sick of trying to scavenge for protein. I have to say I think the cold took longer to get through my system because of my diet (this head cold took an entire WEEK). I may be completely ridiculous on this, like other things I say but I'm not sure this is as healthy as I thought. Perhaps if I lived in Japan or another island it would be better for me...but I don't think the U.S. of A. is the best place for healthy dieting...

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