While I was with my friends there were a few comments made about the sexuality of the dance not to mention jealous glances given by woman as they passed. This distracted me for a bit with a few questions. Is the dance really that sensual? Is it the fact that the girl is young and pretty? Is it our western view of the core of the body being a sexual part of a woman?
I'd first like to point out that belly dancing has a lot in common with exercises used for child birth. This being stated, scholars believe that this dance may have stemmed from these exercises making it on a whole a dance for fertility and healthy child birth. It also was a dance women usually only did in the company of other women (men had other men dancing for them) which means it is a dance only made for women. This gives it a very different perspective I think and makes it seem (to me) more like a celebration of the female body than a celebration of the sexuality of the female body.
For those reasons I don't believe it is as much the movements that make it such a very sensual dance but the confidence a belly dancer shows with her body. The dancer at the restaurant was not perfect in the American sense. Her belly had a small pudge to it, her hair a little strainy, and her breasts were most likely an A cup. However, this did not distract her one bit. She was completely confident with her body and she used every part of it to make her movements soft and fluid. I don't mean to say she was ugly, just that she didn't really care what part of her wasn't perfect, just that she could move it. I'm sure it didn't hurt that she was pretty but I think that all in all it was her confidence that made her shine.
I'd lastly like to point out that ballerinas and other forms of dance also have confident woman in them, however, these dances are very rigid and structured unlike the belly dance. I've never seen a ballerina look like this:

But I've seen alot that look like this:

I was there and I can say the sexiest part about the girl was she kept a smile on her face the entire time.