Now I'm not a big fan of punk or skateboarding. Don't get me wrong, they're both very interesting however, I've just never been into it. So here I am, a 20-something year old, all dressed up in my work attire, watching people skate around the walls in this abandon warehouse. It was interesting to say the least, but I had absolutely nothing to do while waiting for the band to go on besides try to keep warm (did I mention there was no heat in February?), watch the skaters, and think. So that's what I did.
What made me different from these people? Obviously we have different musical tastes. Punk is one of the few genres I just have no interest in listening to. Though, for me being a 'business professional' I still listen to black metal, heavy IDM, D'n'B, and other forms of more aggressive music. I then began to wonder what they did for a living. Most of them seemed not to work the good 'ol 9-5 (which I'm so fond of calling it) since they could stay up until 2am on a Wednesday (of which I did not. I left by 8:30 and was home in bed by 10pm). So what do they do? And how would their listening to punk music shape their lives?
Here's the clencher, is there actually certain careers that attract certain genre listeners? For example, many of the people my sihaya works with listen to contemporary adult. People in my office listen to mainly indie/singer-songwriter. Did this help dictate them into these roles in life?
I'm now kind of interested in taking a survey of the types of music different people listen to and the jobs they occupy. I'd love to know if business executives are more prone to listen to Dragonforce, Busta Rhymes, or Bonnie Prince Billy.
Nice post. The questions you pose is one I ask myself quite a but. I'm a 'business professional' who has a penchant for Black Metal, Grind, noise and electronica amongst other things. Not to mention I'm gay, which makes things even weirder. We just are, who we are I guess.