After a little thought on the subject of health and dieting. I've decided to try being
pescatarian for a while (the article from my last post I found while doing research on the healthiest diets for a human). I don't expect to be a fanatic about this nor am I doing this for any reasons other than health. The reason I'm bringing this up is because I want to track how my body takes it. What the pros and cons are of this diet and how my perception of food changes. On a side note, I still eat what I want (I had three pieces of cake the other night so I'm not diet-ing) I'm just adding a restriction on what kind of meats I eat.
So far I've lasted a week on this diet. I did botch up just once on Saturday where we were at a barbeque and the only protein not hot dogs and hamburgers was baked beans...not exactly my favorite and I wasn't going to be a prude and ask for something else. My diet has mainly consisted of nuts, tofu, eggs, and fish for protein but am looking for recipes that incorporate legumes and
tempeh as well (though tempeh looks a little too similar to rubber erasers and I'm not sure how much I want to stick it in my mouth). Already I notice that I'm using alot more fresh vegetables in my recipes and cooking alot more creatively. This I have found to be alot of fun and very exciting (don't make fun of me).
As for eating away from the home, so far I've begun to scrutinize dishes more. I'm more conscience of ingredients and especially of vital nutrients (protein and carbs being the two I'm most interested in). I'm careful to make a choice on a well rounded meal with both a protein and vegetables with some type of carbs to help me with energy throughout the day. That and I never realized how many dishes are only meat and carbs...not really anything else. I haven't craved anything I can't eat yet either, which has made this pretty painless. However, I am beginning to find picking out food a little exhausting at times because of the process it takes for me to select it.
The way my body is handling has been positive. I'm not so sluggish in the morning and overeating is much more rare since I don't just shovel what I see into my mouth. Plus, each meal seems to suppress my appetite a little while longer so I don't get as hungry as fast as I used to (this even with the fact that I'm exercising more). I think this is in part with the fact that I'm more conscious of what I'm putting into my body rather than my restriction. I have done alot more research on foods since I decided this diet than I ever have before but it still remains to be seen.